Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mathematics Jokes You Can Enjoy!

Sometimes, its nice we chill out for some moment, take some time out of our very busy schedule to relax and have some fun. Fun could be taking a walk, it could be going to the beach, it could also be having some drinks and in fact, it could be reading or listening to some jokes, just to have a laugh. So, here are some funny mathematics jokes for us to enjoy.

 1. Teacher: "Who can tell me what 7 times 6 is?"
 Student: "It's 42!"
 Teacher: "Very good! - And who can tell me what 6 times 7 is?"
 Same student: "It's 24!"

2. The mother of already three is pregnant with her fourth child.
 One evening, the eldest daughter says to her dad: "Do you know, daddy, what I've found out?"
 "The new baby will be Chinese!"
 "Yes. I've read in the paper that statistics shows that every fourth child born nowadays is Chinese..."

3. One day, Jesus said to his disciples: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9."
 A man who had just joined the disciples looked very confused and asked Peter: "What, on Earth, does he mean by that?"
 Peter replied: "Don't worry - it's just another one of his parabolas."

4. "Isn't statistics wonderful?"
 "How so?"
 "Well, according to statistics, there are 42 million alligator eggs laid every year. Of those, only about half get hatched. Of those that hatch, three fourths of them get eaten by predators in the first 36 days. And of the rest, only 5 percent get to be a year old for one reason or another. Isn't statistics wonderful?"
 "What's so wonderful about all that?"
 "If it weren't for statistics, we'd be up to our asses in alligators!"

5. When the math professor's wife returns home from work, she finds an envelope on the living room table. She opens it and finds a letter from her husband:

 My dearest wife, 

 We have been married for nearly thirty years, and I still love you as much as on the day I proposed. You must realize, however, that you are now 54 years old and no longer able to satisfy certain needs I still have. I very much hope that you are not hurt to learn that, while you're reading this, I'm in a hotel room with an 18-year-old freshman girl from my calculus class. I'll be home before midnight. 

 Your husband, who will never stop loving you. 

 When the professor returns from the hotel shortly before midnight, he also finds an envelope in the living room. He opens it and reads:

 My beloved husband, 

 You may recall that you, too, are 54 years old and no longer able to satisfy certain needs I still have. I thus hope that you are not hurt to learn that, while you're reading this, I am in a hotel room with the 18-year-old pool boy. 

 Your loving wife. 

 P.S. As a mathematician, you are certainly aware of the fact that 18 goes into 54 many more times than 54 goes into 18. Therefore, don't stay up and wait for me.

6. The math professor's six-year-old son knocks at the door of his father's study.
 "Daddy", he says. "I need help with a math problem I couldn't do at school."
 "Sure", the father says and smiles. "Just tell me what's bothering you."
 "Well, it's a really hard problem: There are four ducks swimming in a pond, when two more ducks come and join them. How many ducks are now swimming in the pond?"
 The professor stares at his son with disbelief: "You couldn't do that?! All you need to know is that 4 + 2 = 6!"
 "Do you think, I'm stupid?! Of course, I know that 4 + 2 = 6. But what does this have to do with ducks!?"

7. The chef instructs his apprentice: "You take two thirds of water, one third of cream, one third of broth..."
 The apprentice: "But that makes four thirds already!"
 "Well - just take a larger pot!"

8. Q: What does the zero say to the the eight?
 A: Nice belt!

9. Teacher: What is 2k + k?
 Student: 3000!

10. Teacher: Expand (3x + 9)
Student:                                                        (3x +  9)
                                                                 (3x     +       9)
                                                               (3x       +          9)
                                                             (3x          +            9)
                                                           (3x            +                 9)
                                                         (3x               +                    9)